Monday, September 13, 2010

Grady Started Preschool...And Now I Feel Bad

I enrolled Grady in preschool this year because I want to have more time to focus solely on my writing — without any interruptions. Now that Brynlie and Eden went back to school, he has been so lost and bored without them to play with. He kept saying that he wanted to go to school, so I thought, "Why not?"'s good for them, right?!? That's what I keep telling myself so that I don't feel so guilty about sending him at 2 1/2 years old. I also keep telling myself that it's only 15 hours a week and that he *gets* to be with me every other minute of every day! This reverse psychology has helped to ease my mind and fears. By the stinkin' cute are these?!?

I have been picking-up more writing jobs and am absolutely thrilled to be given these opportunities and I feel that I will always regret it if I don't take more risks and really dive into this!

Wish me luck! I'll keep you posted on how much more writing I'm getting done during my alone time and will also be updating how Grady adjusts to preschool and making new friends!

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