Monday, October 4, 2010

It's Time for School Pictures and You Know What That Means...

Brynlie and Eden are having their pictures taken at school tomorrow, so tonight was filled with arguing over outfits — of course, neither wanted to wear what I had suggested. It's 40 degrees here right now and Eden threw a fit to wear a sundress and flip flops! After an hour of fighting me about it, she finally caved and we agreed on her outfit. Next, came Brynlie...the tough one. She is almost 9 going on 29! Everything that I pulled-out of the closet was too 'babyish' and 'not what others wear', I gave-up on arguing with her and let her pick...which she actually did a decent job choosing a lightweight sweater and jean skirt. The only problem is that she doesn't have any dress shoes to match due to her recent growth spurt in the foot department!  Now, I'm digging through the shoes trying to find something that will look half decent with her outfit. If I didn't have a million things going on every day and night, I would have realized before this afternoon that they had pictures tomorrow and we could have gone out to get her dress shoes!

So...after all of this arguing and chaos, I already know what these pictures are going to look like when they bring them home in a few weeks. Their hair will look like a bird was nesting in it, they will have ketchup on their face, and at least one of them will have a rearranged outfit! 

Isn't this what school photos are all about?!? I can remember being the same way and doing the same thing to my mom, so it's only natural that the process has come full-circle.

Now, I'm the mom who has a huge smile on her face when they bring those pictures home because I 'don't see' the ketchup and crazy hair. I see two beautiful girls beaming from ear to ear who are so proud and self-confident of who they are.

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